Daily Juice : Mighty Mary with avocado, yoghurt, celery & lemon

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Need a pick-me-up after a rough night? Ditch the booze and reward yourself with this refreshing, slushy version of the traditional Bloody Mary instead! It’s soothing and nourishing, ideal for a hot summer’s day. Perfect for your lazy Sunday breakfast or brunch!

Adding yoghurt and ripe avocado amps up the nutrient value, and since it’s high in potassium and magnesium, it’s a fab smoothie for alleviating morning sickness or PMS symptoms. The probiotics in the yoghurt are very effective against nausea.

Avocados are an all-round wonder food, containing many vitamins and good fats. The high levels of folic acid and B vitamins make them a particularly good choice for pregnant women. Read here about the nutritional benefits of avocados: Why avocados are good for you

Use frozen plain yoghurt if you have some, to get the full ‘slush puppy’ effect.

(If you still feel like adding a tot of vodka, hey, I’m not stopping you!)


Serves 1


1 cup (250 ml) tomato passata or tomato juice

1 cup (250 ml) plain Bulgarian yoghurt with live probiotic cultures

1/2 a ripe avocado, chopped into chunks

1 t (5 ml) balsamic vinegar

1 t (5 ml) lemon juice

1/2 t (2.5 ml) celery salt

dash of Tabasco or any other hot sauce


  1. Use a stick blender or your food processor to work all the ingredients into a smooth liquid and serve immediately, garnished with some fresh celery stalks.
Mighty Mary tomato cocktail with avocado, lemon, balsamic vinegar and celery salt
Mighty Mary tomato cocktail with avocado, lemon, balsamic vinegar and celery salt
Mighty Mary: tomato smoothie with yoghurt, lemon, avocado, balsamic vinegar and hot sauce
Mighty Mary: tomato smoothie with yoghurt, lemon, avocado, balsamic vinegar and hot sauce


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Celebrating life with food, wine, friends & happiness! Writer, cook and blogger. Author of four cookbooks. Passionately South African, proudly Capetonian.