For hundreds of years bitters has been considered an essential ingredient in many cocktail recipes, but did you know that it can also be a key ingredient in your kitchen when preparing family meals or dinner party menus?
The flavours of appetisers, entrees and desserts – everything from homemade baked goods to burgers – can be enhanced and given more depth with just a few dashes of Angostura aromatic or orange bitters. It’s an ingredient that no home kitchen should be without.
Not at all bitter when added to food, Angostura bitters has been found to intensify the flavour of other ingredients and, for those who are sensitive, can even counteract the acidic component of meals.
Angostura is so serious about bittered cooking that in 1960 a recipe booklet called The Secret of Good Taste: The Angostura Cook Book was launched championing the practice of adding a dash of bitters to your everyday cooking. Today, a collection of these recipes can be found on the Angostura bitters website. Here are a few of our favourite menu pairings:
Quick and easy at home
- Starter: Be-deviled eggs
- Main: Mac & Cheese bites
- Dessert: Angostura deep chocolate sauce
For family occasions
- Starter: Crostini with cheese & orange bitters honey
- Main: Bitter honey ham glaze and Roasted vegetables with Angostura mayonnaise drizzle
- Dessert: Better biscuits with bitters and Apple crisp with bitters
Entertaining at home
- Starter: Lemon garlic prawns and Zesty Angostura cocktail sauce
- Main: Pulled pork sliders with Angostura bitters
- Dessert: Bittered crème caramel
The human tongue has 10,000 taste buds and the nose has 10,000 more smell receptors than that. In terms of taste ‘bitter’ is the most complex taste sensory humans have and, of course, we know that smells enhance taste. In fact, bitter and sweet taste receptors have such a similar structure that often bitter and sweet tastes will complement each other. Why not put this theory to the test next time you’re in the kitchen?
For more information on the Angostura bitters range and delicious bittered food recipes visit www.angosturabitters.com.

For more information on the official House of Angostura Cocktail app with over eighty tried and tested cocktail recipes, featured drink trends and bartending tips visit http://angosturabitters.com/app/ – available for iPhone from the Apple App Store and for Android devices from the Google Play Store.
Follow Angostura South Africa on Facebook /Angostura South Africa and Instagram @AngosturaZA for fun facts, recipes and brand updates.

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