Bartholomeus Klip Guest Farm in the Swartland is never less than magic to visit, and this Christmas will be no exception. The food is extraordinarily good, the accommodation is country-style luxury and the hospitality of the finest to be found anywhere. BK specialises in local craft gins and regional Swartland wines, and their Afternoon Tea is worth the trip alone, with delicious home-baked sweet and savoury treats.

Due to cancellations there are now a few rooms in the main Farmhouse available, so hurry and book for an unforgettable Christmas celebration! Contact Lesley Gillett asap to make your reservation at info@bartholomeusklip.com.
Christmas Day Lunch is R380 pp, with children paying half price.
BK are also hosting some spectacular feasts during the festive season, including a Smoke and Fire BBQ Garden Party with Eatsplorer. To read more and make reservations, click here: Eatsplorer Bartholomeus Klip Smoke and Fire BBQ Garden Party 7 December.
Tickets to these special Smoke and Fire events sell out fast, so make sure you book and pay in time! At R750 pp inclusive of all wines and drinks, it’s incredible value for an unique dining experience. The next event is a BBQ style Garden Party with Gil Ferreira from The Flying Pig in Darling, Darling Brew and Wine Kollektive.
Guests and visitors are welcomed to attend the Christmas Eve Dinner or Christmas Day Lunch.
Lesley Gillett sent me the following email about availability over Christmas:
“We have some rooms left in the farmhouse and these are available for the 2 nights of 24 and 25 December 2018. The rate pp includes all meals and activities, including our Christmas Lunch (see below) and use of mountain bikes/canoes and walking and hiking in the reserve. We do our best to give our guests staying a good Christmas atmosphere and time with us, so there is a special Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th and then we are hosting a Christmas lunch on the 25th, with all the usual BK meals and activities planned around these additional mealtimes.
The accommodation rate is R6300.00 pp per night full board and activities, minimum 2 nights.
We’ll be serving Christmas Day Lunch at R380 pp which non-resident guests can also book for, and our Sunday Lunch offering on the 22nd December is a special Christmas Edition one. The link to the events page with details can be found here Bartholomeus Klip Events
Sample of the Christmas Day Lunch Menu:
25 December –Christmas Lunch / starts at 12:30 / in the Conservatory and the garden
Pimms and snacks on arrival
MENU Buffet Lunch
Farmhouse bread and churned butter
Smoked snoek doughnuts with mustard mayonnaise and marinated yuzu roe
Slow-cooked pork porchetta, horseradish jus
Wagyu beef, onions, bay leaf
West Coast mussel curry with seaweed butter, coriander yoghurt, spicy chutney
Crisp fish, mango and roasted coconut salad
Melon salad, crisp pancetta, feta, basil dressing
Sweet carrot salad, pineapple, lemon zest
Salad from the garden
Truffle fondant potatoes
Roasted pumpkin dumplings
Christmas pudding, brandy butter
Mince pies
Local cheese platter with preserves and homemade savoury biscuits
Platters of sweets – Macaroons, summer fruit tarts, crème bruleè tarts, salted caramel profiteroles, lemon curd tartlets, vanilla meringues
Comes complete with Christmas spirit, crackers and all the trimmings! Booking essential, as there is limited space!”