
Welcome to EatDrinkCapeTown!

This blog was born from a genuine desire to share my happy experiences in and around this great city I get to call home – Cape Town. I also post easy everyday recipes from time to time; just click on the EAT category at the top lefthand corner of the home page and scroll down to RECIPES to be taken to all my recipes. There, you’ll also find EAT OUT and COOKBOOK REVIEWS.


Drink is self-explanatory – as it covers everything from tea, coffee, juices, beer, wines, cocktails

Lifestyle covers outings, events, nightlife, travel, nature, decor, body care and fashion. 

Eat is the best places to wine, dine, and set your sights on for foodie experiences.


PRODUCT REVIEWS is for honest feedback on the many products we either buy or try. If you’d like to share your news, drop us a line!

I love food and I love people. Just call me hungry for life! I’m also a real nosey parker and a bit of a chatterbox, always looking for fun and a good story, so of course I love writing about my adventures to share them with you.

I hope you’ll enjoy my blog!

Tribute from the Cabano's - 2021

As a foodie and local traveler, the Cape Town scene is perfect for me to indulge in both. Food and cooking have always played a significant role in my family’s life. Having a mother that produced four cookbooks, hosted Pampoen tot Perlemoen, worked on Expresso and SmileFM, and have fierce cooking passion it was a no-brainer that her next step in life would be food blogging. Which is why my brother and I are continuing her legacy.

Having started Eat Drink Cape Town initially on her own was an obstacle itself, due to technology being so advanced and my mum not being a tech guru. Mamma would always ask myself or Guillaume to help her with her post ideas, her sentence structures, her recipes; even how to use a television remote. She saw this as a mere stepping stone to her goal.

She was courageous in her blogging of new avenues and industrious opportunities in Cape Town itself. She, herself, was a tremendously courageous person when it came to food. She introduced juice detoxes and ate healthily before it was even a thing. Or, as she would say it, a “thang”!

Not only was food and cooking her passion or fire. It was a common ground for not only us as a family to connect, but for the world to see the beauty from her eyes. We founded the blog to usher anyone towards the direction of supporting local. “Local is lekker” and we know it, too. Not only did we endeavour into farmer’s markets with copious baskets, but we dove headfirst into recipe challenges, tourist attractions, even food trends such as making homemade oat milk.

Spoiler alert – it’s just not the same, tsk.

Documenting our food expeditions and event attendances was our family’s way of showcasing the community. Not only is the richness of cuisine found in person, but at home. We felt from the start that everyone should know about the fun that is involved with cooking, and running off into the sunset… Or accidentally off-roading on a Segway tour into a field of chickens.


Sonia Cabano lived in Cape Town and worked as a professional speaker, freelance cook and food writer.

Her work is characterised by her passion for local food and culture, especially South Africa’s shared culinary heritage, which she eloquently describes:

“South African cooking is a wonderful expression of our lively culture, I think, a rich and powerful stream fed by many diverse tributaries – Dutch, Malay, French, German, British, Jewish, Greek, Portuguese, Indian and African. And all these tastes and flavour-accents can be clearly discerned in our own local culinary language, making South African cuisine a true polyglot with a unique and distinctive voice.”

Guillaume and Sabah Cabano are her son and daughter duo. Both are graduates with passions for cooking, having attended multiple cooking demonstrations with vastly knowledgable chefs.

The two aim to continue their mother’s legacy in the shape of her blog. Herein, you will find the passions of food as a language and experiences, as carefully expressed through local, reliable industries.